Typhoid fever is a very common disease. This disease is very well known, we should know about typhoid fever treatment. Besides, we should have a good idea about the spread, causes, and symptoms of the disease.
Typhoid fever is caused by a bacterium called Salmonella typhi. These germs are mainly spread in the body through contaminated food and water and cause various symptoms including fever.
Typhoid fever is a very common disease. People in densely populated areas are at higher risk of developing typhoid fever. That’s why typhoid fever treatment must be apply.
These bacteria are found in the bloodstream and intestines of a person with typhoid fever. The germs that enter the body through the intake of contaminated food and water multiply and spread in the bloodstream. As a result, various symptoms including fever appear.
Today this important article will help you to know more about Typhoid fever. As well as warn about all the ways to cure this disease.
Causes of typhoid fever
Typhoid is a deadly waterborne disease caused by two types of bacterial infections. One is ‘Salmonella typhi’ and the other is ‘Salmonella paratyfi’. The fever caused by Salmonella typhi infection is called typhoid fever or ‘enteric fever’.
And if the fever is caused by a bacterium called Salmonella paratyphi, then it is called para typhoid fever. The virus enters the body mainly through ingestion of contaminated water and food. It can also enter the body due to indifference towards cleanliness.
There have also been cures for typhoid fever but a number of people carrying these bacteria can also be carriers of the disease. No matter how the germs enter the body, they invade the large intestine. These bacteria accumulate in the gallbladder of the body and attack only when they find the right environment.
Risk of typhoid
Typhoid can occur at any age, but children are more likely to be infected. There is no such thing as typhoid only if germs enter the body. If the body has a good immune system, many times the germs cannot infect the body.
However, people with low immunity such as HIV positive and AIDS patients can easily get typhoid. Even if you travel to areas where the disease is more prevalent, you are more likely to be infected with the virus. People in densely populated areas are especially at risk of having typhoid fever.
Symptoms of typhoid fever
Symptoms usually appear 10 to 14 days after the germs enter the body. The main symptoms of this disease are fever which increases in the first four-five days. The fever sometimes increases, sometimes decreases; However, it doesn’t left completely. The main symptoms are as follows
- Fever up to 104°.
- Fever can be accompanied by headache, body aches and physical weakness.
- Some people may have constipation including loss of appetite.
- In children, diarrhea and vomiting may occur.
- The patient may have a cough or phlegm, including body aches.
- Severe abdominal pain may be felt.
- In the second week, the patient may develop pink rashes on the abdomen and back.
- Some people cough with fever.
- Heart rate may be reduced.
- There may be a week of fever while taking the medicine.
How is typhoid fever detected?
Only doctors can tell if someone has typhoid fever after the test. A blood test called blood culture is needed to quickly detect typhoid. Typhoid and para-typhoid are distinguished by type if the presence of bacteria called Salmonella is found in the sample. Also, in the 2nd week of fever, a type of nonspecific blood test called “Widal Test” is done to determine the typhoid by looking at the titer.
Treatment of typhoid fever
Doctors treat typhoid fever mainly with antibiotics. It may take up to five days for the fever to subside even after the start of certain antibiotics. Typhoid fever can last for weeks or months if not treated quickly. In addition the patient may suffer from other complications.
In addition to treatment, the patient needs to be given more fluids as chronic dehydration and diarrhea can lead to dehydration. In case of acute dehydration, liquid food can also be provided intravenously. The typhoid patient should be at full rest. If the fever is high, the whole body should be wiped with a wet towel.
High calorie rich foods should be taken to recover the nutrients lost during illness. Hands should be washed thoroughly with soap and water after each bathroom use. The most important thing is to take antibiotics for as long as the doctor recommends.
What to do to prevent typhoid fever
Getting a vaccine for typhoid fever according to the doctor’s advice is one way to survive the disease. Both injectable and oral vaccines are available on the market. It is necessary to consult a doctor about taking the vaccine. Vaccines are not always 100% effective. So the following steps need to be taken along with the vaccine.
- Vegetables, fruits and cooking utensils should always be washed in clean water.
- Meals should be cooked or boiled well and then eaten.
- Hands should be washed very well before eating, preparing or serving food.
- Adequate amount of boiled water or purified water should be stored and the stored water should be drunk within 24 hours so that the water does not become contaminated.
- If ice is not made from bottled, purified or boiled water, it is necessary to refrain from drinking water or any other drink mixed with that ice.
- Roadside shops should refrain from taking food and drinking water.
- The toilet should be kept clean at all times.
- After using the toilet, wash your hands thoroughly with soap before cleaning the baby, before preparing or serving food, before eating by yourself or before feeding the baby.
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►► Read More: Typhoid Fever: Cause, Symptom and Treatment
Cleanliness is the key to survival from typhoid. Those who travel regularly often have to eat in different places, it is not always possible to ensure clean drinking water and healthy food in these areas, which increases the risk of typhoid. Therefore, care should be taken in eating out and drinking water when visiting typhoid prone areas.