When you are going to be a mother, you need to make sure that your food is providing enough nutrition and energy for the development of the baby. So it is very important for you to know about the foods to eat when pregnant first trimester.
Proper food during pregnancy can help you and the baby to have a good health. This is because a woman’s body needs adequate nutrition to cope with the changes that occur during pregnancy.
We will let you know about the foods to eat when pregnant first trimester through this article today. A healthy mother should take balanced and nutritious food for a healthy pregnancy. Because it has the right balance of protein, sugar and fatty foods.
Foods to eat when pregnant first trimester
Many people say that you should eat more during pregnancy. But this statement has no scientific basis. Not more, this time should be eaten in moderation. That means as much food as you have enough, so should be taken.
Excess food helps you gain weight. Later, the mother and the child suffered a lot because of this. So try to take the amount of food your body needs during pregnancy. See the list of foods during pregnancy below and take as much as possible.
1. Dairy foods
Experts prioritize dairy foods in the diet of pregnant women. This is because this type of food contains calcium which should be consumed according to your amount during pregnancy which is necessary for your diet. It helps in the full development of the bones and teeth of the person inside you.
So try to include low fat milk, cheese and yogurt in your daily diet at this time. However, it is important to remember that the amount of these dairy foods should not be more than necessary.
2. Mineral-rich foods
Foods rich in calcium and iron are very important for pregnant mothers. Calcium keeps bones and teeth strong. And for this our body needs about 600 mg of calcium every day.
On the other hand, if there is a deficiency of iron in the body of pregnant mothers, the cells cannot receive enough oxygen. As a result, there is a possibility of shortness of breath. Iron deficiency also causes anemia. Our body needs 10 mg of iron every day.
Below is a list of different types of mineral rich foods:
- Calcium: Green vegetables, grapes, dairy foods, nuts, beetroot, fish and sesame.
- Iron: Soybeans, dates, vedanā, dried fruits, mangoes and eggs.
- Iodine: Iodized salt, cheese, seafood.
- Magnesium: All kinds of beans, cashew nuts, broccoli, tofu.
- Phosphorus: Fish and meat.
3. Vegetables
When you eat vegetables regularly, it will provide many benefits to your body. Vegetables are low in fat, calories and cholesterol. Moreover, they are a good source of fiber which helps pregnant women to cope with and prevent constipation.
Green vegetables contain folate and other vitamins and minerals that can reduce the risk of neural tube defects and spina bifida during fetal development. So eat carrots, sweet potatoes, pumpkins, spinach and other cooked vegetables at this time. Take tomatoes and red peppers as well, which are rich in vitamin A and potassium.
Vegetables are considered healthy. So it does not require any special needs to eat. Anyone can eat vegetables. However, experts insist on eating raw vegetables such as carrots, cucumbers and tomatoes.
4. Protein
You should take protein food at least once in your daily diet. Protein effectively help your baby’s development and at the same time provide your body with the energy it needs. It helps in the healthy structure of the baby’s brain and heart.
For pure protein take fish, chicken and other lean meats. Also eggs, nuts, pulses and beans are one of the sources of protein.
5. Fruits
Many people are against eating fruits during pregnancy. But this is a decision that is completely wrong. The fruit is not only delicious; It can prevent the harmful effects of sugar on your body and provide the necessary nutrition to the unborn baby. That is to say, fruit is an important part of the pregnancy diet.
However, you must be extremely careful before eating the fruit. Avoid eating fruits that may contain bacteria. Fruits should never be cut with a knife used to cut other products as well.
If necessary, both the fruit and the knife should be washed with pure water. Because bacteria are found on fruit peels which can be harmful to your baby.
What fruits you should eat during pregnancy?
- Banana
- Pomegranate
- Mango
- Strawberries
- Citrus fruits
- Apples
- Pears
- Grapes
6. Edible oil
Oil and fat are among the top dietary restrictions during pregnancy. Many said to refrain from these. But nutritionists do not recommend giving them up altogether. Because oil is beneficial for the development of your baby’s brain and eyes. However, your oil should be limited to six teaspoons per day.
7. Water
Water is a very necessary and important element for any human body. Water solves a variety of health problems in pregnancy. So as much as possible, drink enough water every day.
Water can help relieve various pregnancy symptoms such as morning sickness and nausea. But not only water, you can also drink a variety of soft drinks such as: saline, juice, glucose and fruit juice.
However, when consuming these drinks, you need to make sure that you are not consuming too much sugar.
Foods to avoid during pregnancy
- Avoid fruits that are not washed or sterilized. As a result of being sold in the market, various pesticides are given. So these must be washed so that they are not harmful to the fetus.
- The freshness of pre-packaged foods is uncertain. Therefore, such foods should be avoided as much as possible during pregnancy.
- Some seafood contains methyl mercury which is dangerous for the development of the fetal brain. Also, if the meat is eaten without cooking it properly, it can lead to bacterial infections.
- Avoid alcohol in any way. Because it will adversely affect the health of your baby. Not only during pregnancy, but also after the birth of the baby while breastfeeding, refrain from drinking alcohol.
- Unsafe foods such as alcohol can be passed on to the baby through breast milk.
Not just 10 months of pregnancy, the whole path of motherhood is full of ups and downs. Mother is not just a word or a feeling! This is a huge responsibility. So start in a healthy way. Try to stay ahead of this time of pregnancy not only physically, but also mentally.