Drama: as you like it brief questions
as you like it brief questions
Brief Questions and Answers
1. Who is Duke Senior?
Ans: Duke Senior is the elder brother of Duke Frederick and father of Rosalind, the heroine of As You Like It. He is living in banishment as his brother usurped his throne.
2. Who is Rosalind?
Ans: Rosalind is the heroine is As You Like It and the daughter of Duke Senior. She lives with her cousin Celia and Duke Frederick at the beginning of the play. After Duke. Frederick banishes her, she disguises herself as a young man named Ganymade and flees to the Forest of Arden. She is in love with Orlando and marries him at the end of the play.
3. Who is Amiens?
Ans: Amiens is a lord attending on Duke Senior in the Forest of Arden. He sings some of the most beautiful songs that Shakespeare ever wrote.
4. Who is Jaques?
Ans: Jaqes is a lord attending on Duke Senior in the Forest of Arden. He is a melancholy person who sits in the Forest of Arden brooding over life. When he meets Touchstone the fool he wishes that he could also be a fool and say witty things.
5. Who is Duke Frederick?
Ans: Duke Frederick is the younger brother of Duke Senior. He usurped the position of his elder brother and banished him. At the end of the play, he is converted by a religious hermit, and, then, he chooses to lead a monastic life in the Forest of Arden.
6. Who is Celia?
Ans: Celia is the daughter of Duke Frederick and cousin of Rosalind. She leaves her home to join Rosalind in the Forest of Arden and later falls in love with Orlando’s brother Oliver, whom she marries at the end.
7. Who is Le Beau?
Ans: Le Beau is a courtier attending on Duke Frederick. He represents the man-about-town. He speaks well but knows little. His speech, his dress, and his mannerisms are satirized in As You Like It.
8. Who is Touchstone?
Ans: Touchstone is a court fool and a clown. He often speaks the truth in the play. He leaves the court along with Rosalind and Calia. He falls in love with Audrey and marries her.
9. Who is Jaques de boys?
Ans: Jaques de boys is a younger brother of Oliver favors him more than Orlando. He is sent to school to learn how to be a proper gentleman. At the end of the play, he appears onstage and reports that Duke Frederick has converted to a religious life.
10. Who is Orlando?
Ans: Orlando is a younger brother of Oliver and the hero of the play As You Like It. He falls in love with Rosalind but is forced by Oliver to flee to the Forest of Arden where he meets her disguised as Ganymede. She reveals herself to him at the end they are happily united.
11. Who is Sir Oliver Martext?
Ans: Sir Oliver Martext is a country clergyman. He almost joins Touichstone and Audrey in wedlock, but Touichstone is dissuaded at the last moment by Jaques.
12. Who is Corin?
Ans: Corin is an old shepherd. He is put the in charge of the sheep after Celia and Rosalind purchase the farm from his former master. He serves as a contrast to the pastoral lover, Silvius Phebe.
13. Who is Silvius?
Ans: Silvius is a younger shepherd. He is in love with Phebe but she does not respond to his love for her. At the end of the play he becomes able to marry her.
14. Who is Phebe?
Ans: Phebe is a shepherdess with whom Silvius is in love. She scorns Silvius and falls in love with Ganymede who is actually Rosalind. Rosalind tricks her into marrying Silvius in the end.
15. Who is William?
Ans: William is a young country boy who is in love with Audrey. Touchstone threatens to kill him if he does not leave Audrey alone, after which he disappears.
16. Who is Audrey?
Ans: Audrey is the simple country woman, who was in love with William, but later on shifted her affection from William to Touchstone.
17. Who is Adam?
Ans: Adam is a former servant of Sir Rowland. He is dismissed by the nasty Oliver, but Orlando takes him along into the Forest of Arden when he flees.
18. Who is Oliver?
Ans: Oliver is the eldest son of Sir Rowland de Boys. He plots to kill Orlando in the beginning and essentially forces him to run away to the Forest of Arden. Being forced by Duke Frederick he goes into the forest to look for his brother. In the Forest he is saved from a snake and a lioness by Orlando and becomes friendly with his brother again. He falls in love with Celia and marries her at the end.
19. Why does Oliver strike Orlando?
Ans: When Oliver rebuked Orlando not being worthy of any work, Orlando accused Oliver of the unfair treatment meted out to him. At that time Oliver stroke Orlando.
20. Why did Oliver hate Orlando?
Ans: Oliver had no brotherly love for Orlando. He hated Orlando because of his virtues and goodness that made him popular and loved by all. His good qualities were a threat to Oliver who was greedy and selfish.
21. Who is Charles?
Ans: Charles is a professional wrestler whom Oliver tells to kill – or at least, maim – his brother Orlando. But, Orlando wins the match.
22. Where is the daughter of the Duke Senior after his banishment?
Ans: After his banishment his daughter, Rosalind, remains at the court.
23. How does Frederick become the Duke?
Ans: Frederick becomes the Duke by banishing his elder brother, the old Duke.
24. Who was the champion court wrestler?
Ans: Charles was the champion court wrestler.
25. What does Oliver warn Charles against Orlando?
Ans: Oliver warned Charles that if he underestimated Orlando in the wrestling match, if would prove murderous for him.
26. Why does Oliver wish to see an end of Orlando?
Ans: Oliver is jealous of Orlando’s nobility and generosity for which he is more popular and is loved by the people. His good qualities are a threat to Oliver. So, he wishes to see an end of Orlando’s life.
27. What sports does Rosalind plan to be merry?
Ans: Rosalind plans to play the game of falling in love as a pastime to be merry.
28. What does Rosalind say about the goddesses of Nature and Fortune?
Ans: Rosalind said that Fortune played her part in the distribution of bounties like wealth and fame whereas Nature awarded natural qualities like beauty and virtue.
29. Why do Rosalind and Celia try to dissuade Orlando from wrestling?
Ans: On being asked by Duke Frederick, Rosalind and Celia try to dissuade Orlando from wrestling.
30. Why did Orlando accept the challenge of Charles?
Ans: Orlando accepts the challenge of Charles to test his youthful strength against him.
Short Questions
1. What is the Forest of Auden?
2. Comment on the significance of the Forest of Auden.
3. How does Rosalind want to cure Orlando of his love?
4. Describe the Silvius-Phebe-Rosalind sub-plot.
5. Give a short character sketch of Jaques.
6. Draw a short character sketch of Oliver.
7. Describe Duke Senior’s views on life in the Forest of Arden.
8. Comment on the title of the play As You Like It.
9. How does Orlando save Oliver’s life in the Forest of Arden?
10. “Jaques is a bundle of inconsistencies” – Explain.
1. Alas, what danger will it be to us,
Maids as we are, to travel forth so far?
Beauty provoketh thieves sooner than gold.
2. Sweet are the uses of adversity.
Which like the toad, ugly and venomous,
Wears yet a precious jewel in his head.
3. Who doth ambition shun,
And loves to live I’ th’ sun,
Seeking the food he eats.
And pleas’d with what he gets.
4. And so from hour to hour, we ripe, and ripe,
And then from hour to hour, we rot, and rot,
And there by hangs a tale.
5. All the world’s a stage,
And all the man and women merely players.
6. Blow, blow, thou winter wind,
Thou art not so unkind
As man’s ingratitude.
7. I have neither the scholar’s melancholy, which is emulation; nor the musician’s, which is fantastical; nor the courtier’s, which is proud; nor the soldier’s, which is ambitions; nor the lawyer’s, which is politic; nor the lady’s which is nice.
Broad Questions
1. Comment on the use and significance of the songs in the play As You Like It.
2. Consider As You Like It as a romantic comedy.
3. Write a note on the importance of the Forest of Arden.
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